What Details Are Needed For A Bank Transfer. In order to make an international bank transfer, you will need the following details: What details are needed for an international bank transfer? When you transfer money from one bank to another, your bank account information, including account number and routing number, is needed.
What Information Is Needed to Transfer Money From Bank to ... (Clarence Nelson)
Transaction amount A bank account transfer works when a person instructs their bank to send money directly into another bank account. Your name, and the US bank account you want to transfer from. The bank details required for making an international money transfer depends on where you are sending funds.
The bank details required for making an international money transfer depends on where you are sending funds.
This is usually done electronically via online banking.
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Provide the other bank's routing number and your account number at that bank. If you don't have that information, get those numbers from a check, from that account's online banking account, or from a representative at your bank. After submitting that information, you may need to verify that you own the external account.